
SMU has implemented the following registration procedures out of a desire to educate, 协助, 支持学生组织,因为他们计划负责任的社会活动. The process is designed to guide student organizations toward more successful events through risk management. 组织在发布任何活动广告之前必须获得活动批准.

以任何方式宣传某项活动的学生组织(例如.e.,传单,电子邮件,任何社交媒体,口口相传等.) without proper approval will be referred to Student Conduct and Community Standards.


这些指导方针和程序适用于所有学生团体和组织. 请记住, student event guideline color guidance may impact organizations having the ability to host events with alcohol.


An event held off-campus must be registered through this process, if any of the following apply:

  • 观察者会将事件与学生组织/分会联系起来;
  • 代表学生组织/分会的个人进行授权, 赞助商, 支持, 或以任何方式支持该活动;
  • 在组织/分会会议上对事件进行讨论和/或投票;
  • 该活动全部或部分由该组织或其代表资助.

  • 拥有, 出售, 酒精饮料:使用或消费酒精饮料, 在组织活动期间, 必须遵守国家的任何和所有适用法律, 省, 县, 城市, 和高等教育机构, 并必须遵守第三方供应商指引.
  • 不得通过组织资金购买或使用组织资金购买含酒精饮料. Organization members or guests cannot coordinate in the name of or on behalf of the organization any purchase of alcohol.
  • 大量购买或使用大量或普通来源的酒精饮料, 例如kegs或cases, 是被禁止的.
  • Organizations must utilize a Third Party vendor and cash bar where individuals purchase their own drinks.
  • Events with alcohol are limited to six hours in length and must end no later than 2AM.
  • 非酒精饮料(水), 苏打水, juice) and non-salty snacks must be made available free of charge for all guests. 清淡的三明治、蘸酱、肉、奶酪、披萨.)选择食物, 避免吃薯片和爆米花等含盐食物, solid foods that are high in protein do more than satisfy the appetite – they help reduce the effects of alcohol.
  • Appoint Event Monitors who oversees the event to make sure all 参加ing are well behaved, agree not to consume alcohol that day and act as sober hosts who agree to make sure the event starts and ends on time. 事件监控器应经过干预预防培训. (Recommended is 1 Event Monitor for every 50 guests and 2 per bus if transportation is provided.)
  • 任何组织不得共同主办 an event with an alcohol distributor or bar/tavern (bar/tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross 出售s from alcohol) at which alcohol is given away, 出售, 或者提供给在场的人. 这包括在……举行的任何活动, at, 或在上述酒吧/酒馆的财产上进行筹款. 然而, an organization may rent or use a room or area in a bar/tavern as defined above for a closed event held within the provisions of this policy, 包括使用第三方供应商和宾客名单. An event at which alcohol is present may be conducted or co-sponsored with a charitable organization if the event is held within the provision of this policy.
  • 任何组织不得共同主办, 联合融资, 参加, or participate in a function at which alcohol is purchased by any of the host organizations.
  • An organization may not register more than 2 events with alcohol in a 7-day period.

  • 出席人数不得超过场地的容纳人数.
  • 开聚会, meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of the sponsoring organization, 没有特别邀请, 有酒精的地方, 是不允许的.

提交的文件必须至少提交 活动前7个工作日 充分考虑


Events where alcohol may be purchased or consumed may be scheduled between Fridays at 3 PM and Sundays at 5 PM between the first and last days of classes of each term. An organization may not register more than 2 events with alcohol in a 7-day period. An organization may not schedule an event during the first weekend of classes in the fall semester.



  • 阅读日/期末考试期间.
  • 而不是在上课.
  • During certain University events as determined by the Registration Committee (commencement, etc.).
  • 上述情况的例外情况很少,将单独考虑. Requests for exceptions should be submitted in advance to allow time for discussion with the Registration Committee.

  • Buses provided for an off-campus event must be from a licensed transportation company. (组织应该确保巴士公司有适当的保险.)
  • Buses may start taking passengers to an event one half hour prior to event start time. 公共汽车可以连续地从事件返回.
  • 如果有交通工具提供到活动现场, no guests will be allowed to enter the venue other than those who arrive by the provided transportation.
  • Each bus should have two event monitors that are in addition to event monitors for the venue.
  • Buses must load and unload from the Commuter Lot on University Blvd near the Catholic Student Center - see map below for bus route & 停车限制.

各组织将需要提供保安人员协助装车. 保安人员的数量应该等于公交车的数量,再加一.

  • 核实身份和客人名单,并标记未满21岁的客人.
  • Monitoring to ensure that no individuals are allowed who have been drinking excessively or that no individuals under 21 are or have been drinking.

No one may board provided transportation vehicles without having been checked by a security officer and receiving a wristband.

A weekly summary document is distributed electronically to SMU Administrators who have been determined to have an official interest in the information:

  • 举办活动的机构名称
  • 注册活动的日期和时间
  • 已注册活动地点


SMU is proud to have a long-standing relationship with area law enforcement agencies and considers these partnerships to be in the best interest of the safety and security of our students. SMU appreciates the efforts of area law enforcement agencies to help provide safe and secure environments for registered events.


Any organization failing to properly register their event or follow the procedure will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.

如果一个组织目前处于行为状态(试用期), 递延悬挂, (暂停)并且注册事件失败, the organization will automatically be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.


  • 正式行为警告
  • 缓刑
  • 递延悬挂
  • 丧失社会特权
  • 失去林荫大道特权


提交的文件必须至少提交 活动前7个工作日 充分考虑. 遵循指导方针的团体, 采取必要的安全防范措施, and developed a plan for serving any alcoholic beverages appropriately should generally expect to have their events registered by a consensus agreement of the committee. 如果一个事件不完全符合这些期望, the members of the committee consider it their duty to guide the organization toward making necessary adjustments so the event can be registered.

An event held without being registered will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.


事件风险评估表格 学生价值观声明和派对主题指南